Is Boating a Safe Social Distancing Activity?
The answer is yes, but is a a little more complicated.
All the usual rules apply but:
- You need to limit the people aboard to those family members you share your home with, period—no guests.
- You should not raft up with other boats or pull up onto a beach close to another boat, as that could put you in close proximity with the occupants.
- You have to be careful to maintain a safe distance from others when loading up at the marina or fueling the boat, etc.
- After touching anything, even an item someone else may have touched, like a marina gate lock or a fuel pump, disinfect by washing your hands or using a hand sanitizer as soon as possible.
Finally, to maintain the highest level of safety pack your gear and supplies ahead of time and don’t plan to stop at a store on the way to the marina or launch ramp, as you usually might.