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Marine Surveys in July

Posted On: July 16, 2023

Marine surveys conducted in July can vary depending on the specific objectives and locations. These surveys are typically aimed at studying various aspects of marine ecosystems, including biodiversity, population dynamics, habitat assessment, and environmental monitoring. Some examples of marine surveys that might be conducted in July include:

  1. Biodiversity Surveys: These surveys focus on identifying and documenting the different species present in a particular marine area. They may involve techniques such as underwater visual surveys, DNA analysis, and sampling methods like trawling or netting.

  2. Fish Population Surveys: These surveys assess the abundance, distribution, and health of fish populations in a specific region. Researchers may use techniques like fish tagging, underwater acoustic surveys, or fishery-independent sampling to gather data on fish populations' size, growth rates, and reproductive patterns.

  1. Coral Reef Surveys: July is a common time for surveys of coral reefs, as it is often associated with good weather conditions and optimal water temperatures. These surveys may involve monitoring coral health, assessing bleaching events, and documenting the presence of coral-associated species.

  2. Oceanographic Surveys: Oceanographic surveys focus on studying physical and chemical properties of the ocean, such as temperature, salinity, nutrient levels, and water circulation patterns. These surveys often involve deploying scientific instruments like CTD (conductivity, temperature, and depth) probes, buoys, or autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to collect data.

  3. Marine Mammal Surveys: Researchers may conduct surveys to study the distribution, behavior, and population status of marine mammals like whales, dolphins, and seals. These surveys might involve aerial or vessel-based observations, passive acoustic monitoring, or satellite tracking.

It's important to note that the specific surveys conducted in July can vary based on regional factors, ongoing research projects, and the scientific goals of the researchers.



Posted On: June 04, 2023

Flag Day is a day of significance and we celebrate it on June 14

Here are some aspects that highlight the significance of Flag Day:

  1. Flags symbolize the identity and unity of a nation. Flag Day serves as a reminder of the values, history, and cultural heritage that we hold dear. It is an occasion for citizens to express their patriotism and pride in their nation.

  1. Historical Significance: Flag Day often commemorates a specific event or milestone related to the adoption of a country's flag. It can mark the anniversary of the flag's design or the day it was officially recognized as a national symbol. Such occasions provide an opportunity to reflect on the country's history and the significance of its flag as a symbol of sovereignty and independence.

  1. Symbol of Freedom and Sacrifice: Flags often represent the struggles, sacrifices, and achievements of a nation. They embody the ideals of freedom, liberty, and justice that people have fought for throughout history. Flag Day is a time to honor and remember the individuals who have served and made sacrifices for their country.

  2. Education and Awareness: Flag Day promotes education about the significance and proper etiquette associated with the national flag. It encourages citizens, particularly the younger generation, to learn about their country's symbols, history, and values. This helps foster a sense of civic responsibility and appreciation for one's country.

  3. Unity and Celebrations: Flag Day often involves public celebrations, parades, and events where people come together to celebrate their shared national identity. These celebrations foster a sense of community and unity, bringing people from different backgrounds together under the banner of the national flag.

  4. Respect and Patriotism: Flag Day serves as a reminder to treat the national flag with respect and dignity. It emphasizes the importance of properly displaying and caring for the flag, as well as observing proper flag etiquette. This helps instill a sense of patriotism and respect for national symbols.

It's important to note that the specific significance of Flag Day can vary between countries.


Boating on the Great South Bay

Posted On: April 04, 2023

The best boat for use in the Great South Bay will depend on several factors, including your intended use, personal preferences, and budget. However, some popular options for boating in the Great South Bay include:

  1. Center Console Boats: These boats are versatile and can handle a variety of water conditions. They are ideal for fishing, water sports, and cruising. The center console design also provides easy access to the bow and stern.

  2. Pontoon Boats: These boats are great for families and groups as they offer plenty of seating and space for socializing. They are also relatively stable in calm waters, making them ideal for leisurely cruising and picnicking.

  3. Skiffs: These boats are perfect for shallow waters, making them ideal for fishing and exploring the creeks and marshes around the Great South Bay.

  4. Jet Skis: For those who love speed and agility on the water, jet skis are a popular choice in the Great South Bay. They are perfect for exploring the bay's numerous coves and inlets and can be a lot of fun.

Ultimately, the best boat for you in the Great South Bay will depend on your individual preferences, budget, and intended use. It's always a good idea to consult with local boating experts or experienced boaters in the area to get their recommendations and insights.



Posted On: March 28, 2023

Long Island, New York offers several great places to boat, including:

  1. Montauk: Located at the easternmost point of Long Island, Montauk offers beautiful beaches, scenic cliffs, and excellent fishing opportunities. The Montauk Point Lighthouse is also a popular landmark.

  2. Fire Island: This barrier island offers miles of pristine beaches, as well as calm waters for boating and water sports. The Great South Bay is a popular spot for sailing, while the Fire Island Inlet provides access to the Atlantic Ocean.

  3. Port Jefferson: Located on the North Shore of Long Island, Port Jefferson offers a picturesque harbor and a quaint downtown area with shops and restaurants. Boaters can dock at the village marina and explore the area on foot.

  4. Greenport: This charming village on the North Fork of Long Island offers a deep-water harbor, as well as access to wineries, farm stands, and other attractions. Boaters can explore the nearby Shelter Island and Peconic Bay.

  5. Jones Beach State Park: This popular beach destination on the South Shore of Long Island offers boating opportunities on Zach's Bay, as well as fishing and water sports. The park also hosts several boating events throughout the summer.

These are just a few of the best places to boat on Long Island, but there are many more to discover.



Posted On: March 14, 2023

A good marine sealant for bedding deck fittings must be waterproof, of course, but it must also be flexible, UV resistant, and, ideally, chemical resistant (fuel, bleach, and other solvents do find their way on deck occasionally). It should not be so strong that the deck hardware can't be removed if necessary, or so tenacious that it leaves a residue that prevents other sealants from adhering. From an aesthetic perspective, it should resist dirt and not age in an unsightly way.

The table below summarizes how the various adhesives line up against these criteria. Strength is measured in psi. Flexibility is measured by elongation, or the amount the material can be stretched, as a percentage of its original length, before it ruptures. When bonding two different materials together, and then subjecting the bond to movement, elongation allows the seal between the two materials to stretch to accommodate the differences in flexibility. A good sealant for bedding deck fittings has relatively low tensile strength and relatively high elongation.

Comparison of Retail Marine Sealants

The high tensile strength of the medium- and high-strength polyurethanes makes them excellent adhesive sealants, but less than ideal for anything that might ever need to be dismantled. In addition, the polyurethanes will soften when exposed to fuels, solvents, and particularly acids, so they're not the best choice for use on the deck. At first glance, silicone seems a better compromise, with lower tensile strength than the medium- and high-strength polyurethanes, but similar elongation and better chemical resistance. Unfortunately, the adhesion of general-purpose silicone sealants is often fleeting; you won't have to look far in any marina to see silicone "worms" dangling from port-light frames. Worse, silicone leaves behind an all but permanent coating to which no sealant, including fresh silicone, will adhere. Contamination from some earlier silicone sealant application is often the undiagnosed cause of premature bedding failures. But silicone cannot be avoided altogether as it is one of the few sealants compatible with all plastics.

The remaining sealants all have relatively low tensile strength and high elongation, and any of them can be used for bedding deck fittings. The low-strength polyurethanes have less holding power than their more muscular siblings, but share their susceptibility to chemical attack and incompatibility with plastic (except Sikaflex 295 when used with a primer).

Butyl tape is an old solution that's becoming popular once again, and it has a lot to recommend it  It can be used to bed all types of plastics, unlike polysulfide, which attacks plastic, and polyurethane (with the exception of Sikaflex 295), which loses its grip due to plastic outgassing. More about Butyl tape on Thursday. 



Posted On: March 07, 2023

Rules of the Road

Rules of the road are the accepted system of right of way, which you must follow to be courteous and safety-minded. These rules are numerous and detailed but if you learn just a few, you should be covered in most recreational boating situations. In the following, the “stand-on vessel” has the right of way, and the “give-way vessel” needs to accommodate the other.

  1. In a situation with two boats coming head on, if possible, both vessels turn to starboard and pass port to port. That way, there’s no guesswork about the intentions of the other captain and a collision is avoided.
  2. A sailboat under sail has the right-of-way over a powerboat. If the sailboat is running with an engine, it’s considered a powerboat regardless if the sails are up.
  3. If you’re being overtaken, your responsibility is to maintain course and speed. If that scenario puts anyone in harm’s way, just slow down and let the other pass because the first job of any captain is to avoid a collision regardless of who has the right-of-way.
  4. If a vessel approaches you from the right, they’re the stand-on vessel.
  5. Human powered vessels (kayaks, SUPs, canoes, etc.) have the right-of-way over any other vessel including a sailboat.
  6. If another vessel is restricted in its ability to maneuver (due to its size, draft or any other reason) it’s the stand-on vessel and you should accommodate it.
  7. When two boats are under sail, the one on the starboard tack (wind coming over the starboard side of the deck) has the right of way over the one on the port tack. If both are on the same tack, the leeward (downwind) boat has the right of way.


Posted On: February 14, 2023

When a boat is properly tied up at a dock, it will not only be secure—it can’t float away—but will also be protected from damage and not able to damage other boats.

How to Tie Up a Boat to a Dock

  1. Plan your approach—consider wind direction and currents.
  2. Always start by tossing a spring line to someone on the dock.
  3. Secure a line from the bow cleat to a dock cleat forward of the boat.
  4. Secure the spring line to a dock cleat angled aft.
  5. Attach a line from the stern cleat on the side of the boat away from the dock to a dock cleat behind the boat.

Consider how you will secure the boat even before you pull up to a dock or into a slip.

Take a look at the direction of the wind and any current (look for flags if you are unsure about wind direction, and look for how water is moving around pilings as an indication of current), and if you are in tidal waters look at water marks on pilings, which will tell you if you are near high or low tide. Before you approach the dock or slip have your dock lines ready, your fenders (soft vinyl “bumpers”) deployed, and give your crew instructions on how to help.

When tying one side of the boat to a dock, such as a fuel dock, you can secure the boat for any situation with three lines.

  • Always start by tossing a spring line (attached to the cleat in the middle of the boat) to someone on the dock, who can hold the boat in place.
  • Secure a line from the bow cleat to a dock cleat forward of the boat.
  • Then secure the spring line to a dock cleat angled aft, toward the back of the boat. These two lines will keep the boat from moving fore and aft.
  • Attach a line from the stern cleat on the side of the boat away from the dock to a dock cleat behind the boat.
  • Tying each line at an angle, rather than straight to the dock (called a breast line) will allow the boat to move up and down in reaction to waves, wakes or changing tide if the dock is not floating.

Tying a Boat in a Slip

To tie up in a slip, either one flanked by docks or to an end dock and pilings, using four lines is usually the best method.

  • If you’ve backed into the slip, attach a line to each stern cleat on the boat and then cross them to the dock cleats.
  • Secure bow lines from each side of the boat forward to the dock cleats or pilings. This will secure the boat in each direction and allow enough line for the boat to rise and fall.
  • In area with a lot of tide, you may need to adjust the lines if you are tying up at either high or low tide and the dock is not floating.
  • If you tie up to a floating dock, of course, it will rise or fall with the tide along with the boat.


Posted On: January 31, 2023

Seasickness is caused when the fluid in your inner ear tells your brain one thing (we are moving!) while your eyes tell your brain you are stationary (especially true if you are down below in the boat). The conflict creates nausea. When someone is seasick, the first order of business is to ensure their safety and that of the boat. Many times, the ailing person wants to go below and hang over the head, which is not the best idea because being down below can contribute to seasickness. Instead, get them up in the fresh air of the cockpit, wearing a life jacket (and life harness if you're offshore). The benefit of this is that you can keep an eye on the sick crew and still be aware of what's happening around you. Never let the victim heave over the side of the boat! If he or she were to fall overboard, that would turn a bad situation into a life-threatening one.

If possible, get the person to stand at the helm and steer. The action of being up and staring at the horizon, and having your brain and your eyes experience the same movement, helps alleviate the seasickness.

Signs Of Seasickness

Look for these giveaway signs, so you can help prepare or even prevent someone from becoming sick:

  • Lack of hunger or thirst
  • Going quiet or becoming lethargic (easy to spot with children)
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Repeated swallowing
  • Mouth watering

Seasickness Prevention

Don't be fooled. Even though most people suddenly feel better after being sick, many will become sick again within the hour if they don't take precautions. Over the years that we've lived aboard our boat with our children, we've come to better understand what causes seasickness and developed a wide range of options to fight it. Some options are simple and don't require any type of medication; others require a prescription from your physician and come with side effects. The key is to find the right combination for you and remember simple things you can do while on the water.

Peppermint. One of our favorites, especially for kids. Peppermint naturally calms the stomach. We keep candy canes on board. An extra benefit is that the action of sucking on the candy seems to take the victim's mind off the motion.

Ginger. Often considered one of the best ways to avoid being sick or to calm a stomach, ginger can be purchased in large-milligram quantities at many nutrition/drug stores. Or make ginger cookies. The carbonation of ginger ale can help, but we haven't found it to contain enough ginger to be effective.

Bonine/Dramamine. These may make you sleepy.

Wristbands for motion sickness. Some people swear by them. They're worth a try.