Read this today on Yahoo….
According to the article from ABC Newsbusters
There are No 50 shades about it - grey can be a difficult color to pull off. Especially when it’s on your head.
So is the only way to avoid grey locks to live a life free of stress and strain?
Turns out, Each of us have two chemicals in our bodies: melanin, which is the pigment in our hair, and hydrogen peroxide. Early in life, it seems that melanin overpowers the hydrogen peroxide - allowing us to have a colorful head of hair.
Later in life, though, the hydrogen peroxide seems to overtake the melanin, causing a loss of pigmentation and a greying of the hair. “But,” Dr. Michael Stern, an Emergency Medicine Physician at New York Presbyterian Hospital says “in terms of stress causing grey hair, there is no scientific proof whatsoever.”
So what does this mean, well for starters, you can apologize to your significant other, and you may now resume your stress-filled lives without the added weight of worrying about hair color.
O, and be glad the hair is still there in the first place. LOL!!